About Corona

The coronavirus began in 2019 which spread around the world and changed many people's lives, it has affected the world so much. It is still around in 2021 and so many people are dying from it. It began somewhere in China and spread all around the world. You might have known about others during COVID. Well now you will know my story during COVID-19.

Me During Corona

It was in 2020 March, almost the ending of 6th grade when I heard of the coronavirus. At first, I didn't understand what was happening. I was confused. Later on, they closed the schools and at that time we didn't even know how to do school from home. It was all so new. Until after corona, I didn't even know what zoom or google meet was. In the begining, our teachers just assigned us homework in google classroom and we did it. Then, we started using zoom or google meet. We only used it when we needed it though. I had a hard time in school. Then school was done and I had to miss my LEAD graduation, field trip, and my last year in elementry at school. The whole summer we did quarentine at home. So much changed. I never had to wear a mask, have hand sanitizer, and wear gloves everywhere I go and when someone got sick in my family I never got very scared until after COVID. Then Summer was over and it was September when school was about to start. The school said that they were giving an option to be either hybrid or virtual. My family decided to do hybrid but after hearing others and the situation we switched our option to virtual. I was fully virtual for the whole school year. I liked being fully virtual but there were still some disadvantages. For example, I was too shy to ask for help and the teacher would mostly pay attention to the hybrid people which was a big problem for the virtual kids. There were no private chats open to talk to my friends so that was another disadvantage. Since I missed my LEAD graduation in elementry (6th grade) the school decided to have it in 7th grade. Another disadvantage of being virtual was that in my LEAD graduation the teacher was muted the whole time and no one decided to speak up. I didn't get any prizes too except for a water bottle so that was a bummer. Apart of this I still got through 7th grade with good grades :) After 7th grade during summer two of my friends were moving to India which was a big change during corona. I was really upset and still am. I'm glad I am still in contact with them. After they moved summer passed by very quickly and September started in a flash. The schools reopened completely but we still had to wear masks and follow the precations. We had full days. I didn't want to go back to school at all but we still had to go back. I went back and saw my friends again after a long time. It felt so awkward and new back in school. I was so nervous but it wasn't that bad after all. After a few weeks on a weekend I saw that my friend created a new group. I looked who was in it and was surprised. It was an old friend back from 2016 (five years ago).